About the Author

Professor Abdellatif ABID

International Consultant

Certified BBLSS .ELA . IRCA, Expert in Purchasing, Industrial Consultant, Supply Chain specialist ,Expert in international Trade and Textile & Garment Industry Universities & Business Schools Lecturer

Executive Doctorate in Business Administration in Supply Chain & IT (In Progress), Industrial production and product development engineer in Textile and Garment at ESIM Toulouse, innovation management and business engineering cycle at Ecole Supérieure des Industries de Toulouse (ESIN), certified in Lean Management and Six Sigma ; Abdellatif Abid, 51 years old, is the founder of Lean Group Consulting a Training and Consulting firm specialized in supply chain management and lean manufacturing, and leader of several logistics, industrial, and knowledge support projects.

He participated in the creation of Institut Supérieur du Transport et de la Logistique (ISTL), is an academic advisor of the EHTP’s Masters in Logistics, and used to be an industrial management and logistics professor at École Supérieure des Industries et du Textile et de Habillement (ESITH). He is currently a teacher of industrial logistics within Hassan II University of Mohammedia’s DESS. He also conducts textile supply chain, logistics projects management and supply chain simulation modules within the Masters in Logistical Systems Management at the ENCG of Settat, as well as the Masters in Logistics of ’ISCAE, EHTP, BMHS, Suptem and Polyfinance, and for the benefit of major French universities, via interventions in their decentralized Trainings abroad (École des Ponts & Chaussées (ENPC) , IML, SKEMA , TBS , IAE Grenoble , Panthéon Assas University). He was a teacher within the IHEES group continuous Training, as well as a professor of production and stocks management for the company’s managers cycle, and of GPAO within ESI’s programmer cycle.

Starting his career as an industrial development manager within Sgs-Thomson Microelectronics, then as a purchasing and subcontractors manager for Decathlon, he then became logistics executive for one of the largest textiles companies in Morocco, where he had the opportunity to set up several storage, warehouses and logistics Hub for textile and garment industry. He also assumed technical executive, production executive and quality executive duties within numerous companies (Dewhirst, Pantco, Emergence.).

As an international consultant, he frequently intervenes on behalf of significant Training and consulting firms in Morocco and abroad, for the benefit of industrial or service companies, as well as the international institutions : United Nations, World Trade Organisation and International Trade Centre. 

Pioneer of logistics Training and lean manufacturing in Morocco, he also participated in implementing several Training cycles, from bac+2 to bac+6, for the benefit of Moroccan or French universities.

Furthermore, M. Abid is an active and official member of the Moroccan Association for Logistics' Industrial Logistical Commission (AMLOG), host of value analysis and member of the French Association for Value Analysis(AFAV), as well as the French Association of Engineers and Planification and Estimation technicians. (AFITEP)

He is currently involved within the Lyncos firm for the organization of the first logistics and transports exhibition in Morocco (LOGIMA). He also participated to several international programs : program for the development of the private sector in Morocco (PFDSP Canada), Programme GTZ, Euro Morocco Enterprise’s methods program, MEDA, GTEX-MENATEX, UKTP etc.

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